認識Jimmy,在大學畢業後。第一次Jimmy約我食飯,建議去Cafe de Coral,當年我蠢蠢地,還以為有個de字的一定是間法國餐廳,後來才發現原來Cafe de Coral就是為人所知的大家樂。我有點不悅,說大家樂太多人,於是他提議改去美心。
他說,最近很喜歡一隊boy band,他們的歌挺cheesy但很上腦。 我回家好奇聽了聽那首歌。第一句歌詞是:I’ve been waiting all my life for someone like you to come mess with my mind。一聽已知不妙,但敵不過好奇心,繼續聽下去。中間chorus 還有一句For you I'd have run to the ends of the Earth。完全中計了,這種歌詞,沒有女孩不會以為不是在講自己吧?這首歌在我腦中整整播了一個禮拜,上班、去廁所、吃飯、睡覺,不斷重重複複自動直播,完全揮之不去。未拍拖、甚至未被追求,我已經不慎中伏。
星期日,他text來了一句:I’d like to make myself believe that weekend turns slowly。
不會吧,Owl City 的Fireflies,完全擊中我的弱點!Owl City 的歌,是大學exchange時的美好回憶啊!用回憶來追女仔,我心想,這個人,好慳,但絕對高招!
晚上臨睡之前,他還加上了一句Beyoncé的歌詞:Have a sweet dream or beautiful nightmare。
無時無刻,Jimmy都發揮DJ本色,有意無意地tag歌。他說,有一日他要在真正的電台裏數榜。兩年前,他總於開始在Radio 3開始了一個小小環節。
2015年最深刻的一本書,是Elon Musk的傳記。Elon Musk是Space X 和Tesla的創辦人,27歲已經從Paypal的投資中賺到了2億5千萬美金。由細細個開始,他就有個 mission statement:The only thing that makes sense to do is strive for greater collective enlightenment。
Elon Musk最鐘意打機,曾經有一刻,他想過,不如入一間遊戲公司,打機過世!不過他最後打消了這個念頭,因為他覺得自己有greater calling,他要改變世界,create something lasting。
When did you start looking out for your other half? Secondary school? University? After missing out on those two, I placed all my bets on workplace. It is commonplace for banks to put up a booth in career fairs appealing to graduate hopefuls and ask their recent hires as ambassadors inviting students to join them.
I jumped at that email invitation from HR colleagues even though it’s on a Saturday. Out of the two choices, 10am-1pm and 1pm-4pm, I struggled to work out which would lead to better yield, so I let God roll the dice.
Eventually HR notified me I was assigned to 1pm-4pm Friday afternoon. Next day I spent the whole morning brushing teeth, grooming hair, picking suits etc before heading off to Kowloon Tong [Innocentre], only to find no single female at our booth save one HR manager. I immersed myself into endless discussions with students trying to ease the pain and right at the end as I was collecting my bag preparing to leave with disappointment, a young lady popped up and said hello.
That was my life changing moment as we chattered and strolled along the way to the MTR station, subsequently through the ups and many downs in life. My former co-worker Anson once offered me an advice on choosing the right lifelong partner - find someone who is smarter than you, who can motivate you to achieve more. With Trista, the boxes are checked beyond a shadow of a doubt and I can happily conclude my partner hunt.
認識Jimmy,在大學畢業後。第一次Jimmy約我食飯,建議去Cafe de Coral,當年我蠢蠢地,還以為有個de字的一定是間法國餐廳,後來才發現原來Cafe de Coral就是為人所知的大家樂。我有點不悅,說大家樂太多人,於是他提議改去美心。
他說,最近很喜歡一隊boy band,他們的歌挺cheesy但很上腦。 我回家好奇聽了聽那首歌。第一句歌詞是:I’ve been waiting all my life for someone like you to come mess with my mind。一聽已知不妙,但敵不過好奇心,繼續聽下去。中間chorus 還有一句For you I'd have run to the ends of the Earth。完全中計了,這種歌詞,沒有女孩不會以為不是在講自己吧?這首歌在我腦中整整播了一個禮拜,上班、去廁所、吃飯、睡覺,不斷重重複複自動直播,完全揮之不去。未拍拖、甚至未被追求,我已經不慎中伏。
星期日,他text來了一句:I’d like to make myself believe that weekend turns slowly。
不會吧,Owl City 的Fireflies,完全擊中我的弱點!Owl City 的歌,是大學exchange時的美好回憶啊!用回憶來追女仔,我心想,這個人,好慳,但絕對高招!
晚上臨睡之前,他還加上了一句Beyoncé的歌詞:Have a sweet dream or beautiful nightmare。
無時無刻,Jimmy都發揮DJ本色,有意無意地tag歌。他說,有一日他要在真正的電台裏數榜。兩年前,他總於開始在Radio 3開始了一個小小環節。
2015年最深刻的一本書,是Elon Musk的傳記。Elon Musk是Space X 和Tesla的創辦人,27歲已經從Paypal的投資中賺到了2億5千萬美金。由細細個開始,他就有個 mission statement:The only thing that makes sense to do is strive for greater collective enlightenment。
Elon Musk最鐘意打機,曾經有一刻,他想過,不如入一間遊戲公司,打機過世!不過他最後打消了這個念頭,因為他覺得自己有greater calling,他要改變世界,create something lasting。
When did you start looking out for your other half? Secondary school? University? After missing out on those two, I placed all my bets on workplace. It is commonplace for banks to put up a booth in career fairs appealing to graduate hopefuls and ask their recent hires as ambassadors inviting students to join them.
I jumped at that email invitation from HR colleagues even though it’s on a Saturday. Out of the two choices, 10am-1pm and 1pm-4pm, I struggled to work out which would lead to better yield, so I let God roll the dice.
Eventually HR notified me I was assigned to 1pm-4pm Friday afternoon. Next day I spent the whole morning brushing teeth, grooming hair, picking suits etc before heading off to Kowloon Tong [Innocentre], only to find no single female at our booth save one HR manager. I immersed myself into endless discussions with students trying to ease the pain and right at the end as I was collecting my bag preparing to leave with disappointment, a young lady popped up and said hello.
That was my life changing moment as we chattered and strolled along the way to the MTR station, subsequently through the ups and many downs in life. My former co-worker Anson once offered me an advice on choosing the right lifelong partner - find someone who is smarter than you, who can motivate you to achieve more. With Trista, the boxes are checked beyond a shadow of a doubt and I can happily conclude my partner hunt.